

Head of the Department of Martial Arts and Natural Disciplines, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Acting Associate Professor

Toylibaev Sultanbek Muxidovich

Phone: (+99897) 353-85-33

E-mail: s.toylibaev.90@gmail.com

 The Department of Martial Arts and Natural Disciplines of the Nukus branch of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports operates in accordance with the laws on higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The department began its activities by a special order of the director of the Nukus branch of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports dated September 20, 2021. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Philology and Pedagogical Sciences. (PhD), acting Associate Professor Toylibaev Sultanbek Mukhidovich.

 Currently, the teaching staff of the department consists of 35 employees. The department employs 4 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) and 1 Candidate of Sciences. Also at the department, Honored Youth Trainer of the Republic of Karakalpakstan M. Kazaev, Master of Sports N. Berdaxova and Sh. Djullibayeva. In addition to pedagogical work, the teaching staff of the department successfully carries out research activities.

 Also, from September 2023-2024 academic year, three acting faculty members work at the department as the main full-time teaching staff. Associate Professor (PhD) A. Primbetov and Ph.D. R. Reimbaeva, one senior teacher J. Sultamuratov, 8 teaching assistants: K. Razaxov, K. Mambetkasimova, B. Kadirbaev, A. Yakupbaev, P. Adilshaev, I. Allanazarov, N. Berdaxova, R. Ernazarova, and 10 interns teachers: U.Jarilkapov, K.Balmuratov, T.Arzibekov, Sh.Djullibayeva, D.Xudayorov,   M.Alxamov, K.Serimbetov, I.Utemuratov, M.Lemzyakova,J.Berdimuratova.

 The teaching staff of the department effectively carries out their research and methodological activities, helping to educate students and young people. Separately, we can note the works of the following authors: S. Toylibaev and

  1. Serimbetov “Tańlanǵan sport túri boyınsha qánigelikke kirisiw VELOSPORT”;
  2. Mambetov and K. Mambetkasimova “Jeńil atletikanı úyretiw metodikası”;
  3. Yakupbaev, U. Jarilkapov, R. Ernazarova, B. Mambetov “Grek rim gúresi teoriyası hám metodikası”,A.Yakupbaev, U.Jarilkapov, R.Ernazarov,
  4. Mambetov, P. Joldasbaev “Erkin gúres teoriyası hám metodikasi”.

 Currently, they are conducting their research work to award an academic degree (DSc) A. Primbetov on the topic: “Yuqori malakali erkin kurashchi xotin-qizlarni koʻp yillik tayyorlashning ilmiy-metodik asoslari”, R. Ernazarova on the topic: “Нормы питания у спортсменов 12-16 лет проживающих в условиях Каракалпакстана и его влияние на рост и развитие организма”, for the award of an academic degree (PhD) to U.Jarilkapov on the topic: “Malakali erkin kurashchilarning og’ir atletika vositalari orqali kuch sifatini oshirish uslubiyati”, R. Kadirov on the topic: “Janubiy Orolboʻyi oqar suvlari amfibiont hashoratlari (Insecta: Ectognatha) faunasi va ekologiyasi.” 


Faculty of the Department of Martial Arts and Natural Disciplines


Head of the department Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Acting Associate Professor

Toylibaev Sultanbek Mukhidovich

Phone: (+99897) 353-85-33

E-mail: s.toylibaev.90@gmail.com


Candidate of Biological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

Roza Saparbaevna Reimbaeva

Phone: (+99891) 260-44-14

E-mail: reymbaeva.roza.00@gmail.com


Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Acting Associate Professor

Primbetov Azamat Auesbaevich

Phone: (+99897) 508-48-72

E-mail: a.primbetov@gmail.com


Senior Lecturer

Sultamuratov Jumamurat

Phone: (+99899) 680-17-57

E-mail: djumamuratov.23 @gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Mambetkasimova Kirmizi Baltabaevna

Phone: (+99890) 651-36-70

E-mail: kmambetkasimova@gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Razaxov Kopbergen Dauletbaevich

Phone: (+99891) 378-41-77

E-mail: razaxov.kopbergen @gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Allanazarov Ikram Genjevich

Phone: (+99891) 382-70-98

E-mail: i.allanazarov@gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Ernazarova Raya Allanazarovna

Phone: (+99899) 456-55-99

E-mail: ernazarova.raya@gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Kadirbaev Bayrambay Jaksibayevich

Phone: (+99899) 143-40-81

E-mail: kadirbaev.b@gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Adilshaev Pamir Makhsetbaevich

Phone: (+99893) 360-79-80

E-mail: p.adilshaev.00@gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Yakupbaev Alisher Alimbaevich

Phone: (+99894) 901-44-44

E-mail: yakupbaev_a@gmail.com


Assistant teacher

Berdaxova Nursulu Gagarin kizi

Phone: (+99890) 650-55-15

E-mail: berdaxova.nursulu @gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Jarilkapov Ulugbek Bahadirovich

Phone: (+99888) 451-94-94

E-mail: jarilkapov.ulugbek @gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Djullibayeva Shakhodat Kuralbay kizi

Phone: (+99890) 653-15-14

E-mail: sh.djullibaeva@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Serimbetov Karlibay Orazimbetovich

Phone: (+99893) 364-60-80



Trainee teacher

Alxamov Mansur Rustamovich

Phone: (+99894) 140-00-96

Email: m.alxamov@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Xudayorov Doniyor Davlater ogli

Phone: (+99890) 662-60-20

Email: xudayorov_d@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Utemuratov Iklas Tilemuratovich

Phone: (+99888) 656-60-90

Email: utemuratov_iqlas@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Balmuratov Kayrjan Konisbaevich

Phone: (+99891) 300-05-43

Email: balmuratov.q@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Arzibekov Tolibay Kalenderovich

Phone: (+99899) 682-13-13

Email: arzibekov.t.k@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Lemzyakova Mariya Sergeevna

Phone: (+99891) 388-57-54

Email: mariyalem552@gmail.com


Trainee teacher

Berdimuratova Janigul Jaksimurat kizi

Phone: (+99891) 385-38-28

Email: jannaberdimuratova7@gmail.com